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Anglea Sports Fields provides multiple services to meet your individual needs. Whether you want expert consultation, field design or have the project handled from beginning to end, Anglea Sports Fields will do it first-class, on-time and within your budget.

Whatever your limitation or barrier, Anglea Sports Fields has a solution. We specialize in providing workable answers that make sense. Give us an idea of the project and the variables you are facing and we can design a game plan that will be functional, ascetically pleasing and financially reasonable. With over four decades of experience in coaching, field maintenance and construction, Anglea Sports Fields has the right perspective. We bring experience in sports fields to the owner or contractor of any sports field project.

We can provide all levels of work to an existing field or facility including overhauling an outdated athletic facility. If time is running out, we can help you get your field in playing condition on time. We do all types of renovation projects, including laser grade an infield, fix drainage, crown a field, install a well and new irrigation system, upgrade lighting, replace old bleachers and more… Furthermore, we will leave you with a sustainable plan to keep your field in the best condition. Even when we are off the job, we are available for follow-up advice as we develop a long-term relationship.

This is what the LORD says:

"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight" 

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Anglea Sports Fields will design, construct and/or renovate your athletic facilities to fit within your budget, to be completed within your timeline and to exceed your expectations.

With decades of experience, Jim Anglea brings the expertise of a former head groundskeeper (Texas Rangers & Cleveland Indians) and the innovation of the creator of Diamond Pro, Anglea Turf and inventor of Big League Base Plugs, Mound Builder, Batters Box and Ball Holder.


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